Case Studies

The CharitabLiving Plan allows an endless array of design flexibility – so it appeals to young and old – those with stored wealth and those who are building wealth. Take a look at these five case studies and let your mind start wondering.1508707

Justin (28) and Jackie (28)

A young couple with lots of demands on their money.

View Case Study – Justin and Jackie

Jeff (47) and Paula (47)

Successful professionals who want to give – without giving up.

View Case Study – Jeff and Paula

Kathy (72)

A widow who desperately wants to give – but doesn’t think she can afford to.

View Case Study – Kathy

Jim (78) and Marilyn (76)

An older couple with limited resources and big dreams.

View Case Study – Jim and Marilyn


A board member on a local foundation with a desire to fund other charities.

View Case Study – Frank’s Foundation

Juanita (78)

Looking to leverage her money safely – but have it produce more income.

View Case Study – Juanita
