Welcome to CharitabLiving
The CharitabLiving Plan provides a new way for supporters to participate in the work of the organization at a financial level without having to suffer a reduction in income or net worth.
One CharitabLiving Plan design option – called the guaranteed lifetime income design – is the exchange of a lump sum gift, for a guaranteed lifetime income stream. This option is similar to a Charitable Gift Annuity – but with a twist. First, it can create an upfront gift for the charity – rather than an end-of-life gift. In addition, we take on the regulatory, investment, and mortality risk – as well as all the costs associated with the Plan.
The second design option is a wealth-building contract that can be funded in lump sum or installments. As opposed to an investment, the contract guarantees future growth – and uniquely – allows the account owner to draw a portion of that future value today, and give that money to charity. Since the Plan owner’s deposits are protected by contract, it provides a way to give – without giving up. In fact, this Guaranteed Lifetime Refund Option ensures that at least 100% of the donor’s money will go to them in the form of withdrawals, income payments – or to their estate thanks to an integrated life insurance benefit.
Because of the outcomes the two CharitabLiving Plan design options create, aspiring givers are liberated to do what their hearts are urging them to do – without conflicting with their practical nature. The money that can flow into the organization can be substantial.
The Plan
Every charitable organization – whether a local church or a large public non-profit – has a supporter universe of people who are enthusiastic about the work of the organization. Within that larger group is a smaller group of core donors – those who provide the majority of the organization’s funding.
The Process
Introducing the CharitabLiving Plan to your supporters is elegant in its simplicity. Once all your questions are answered and your due diligence is complete, one of our Charitable Development Officers will provide you with a unique link to a video that introduces the CharitabLiving Plan to supporters.
The Mission
We’re natural givers – it’s in our DNA. We want our lives to have meaning. We recognize need in the world. We know that our bounty comes with responsibility. But the counterweight to generosity is financial prudence – caution. There’s no formula that instructs us on how to reconcile the two.